
《Google “We Have No Moat, And Neither Does OpenAI” 谷歌“我们没有护城河,OpenAI 也没有”》


《The 18 Mistakes That Kill Startups》

Paul Graham 对初创公司提了一些建议:

  1. 不要只有一个创始人,即不要独自创业。因为这表明你的idea 吸引不到其他人参与。而且创业很困难,你需要合伙人一起集思广益,说服自己避免愚蠢的决定,并在陷入低估时振奋起来。

  2. 要选一个好位置。最好是硅谷,其次是波士顿、西雅图、奥斯汀、丹佛和纽约。

  3. 不要害怕竞争,不要做太微小的市场。

    3. Marginal Niche 3. 边缘利基

    Most of the groups that apply to Y Combinator suffer from a common problem: choosing a small, obscure niche in the hope of avoiding competition.
    大多数申请 Y Combinator 的群体都有一个共同点: 问题:选择一个小的、不起眼的利基市场以避免 竞赛。

    If you watch little kids playing sports, you notice that below a certain age they’re afraid of the ball. When the ball comes near them their instinct is to avoid it. I didn’t make a lot of catches as an eight year old outfielder, because whenever a fly ball came my way, I used to close my eyes and hold my glove up more for protection than in the hope of catching it.
    如果你观察小孩子做运动,你会注意到下面的 到了一定年龄他们就会害怕球。当球靠近时 他们的本能是避免它。我没有抓到很多东西 作为一名八岁的外野手,因为每当飞球到来时 我的方式是,我常常闭上眼睛,更多地举起手套 保护而不是希望抓住它。

    Choosing a marginal project is the startup equivalent of my eight year old strategy for dealing with fly balls. If you make anything good, you’re going to have competitors, so you may as well face that. You can only avoid competition by avoiding good ideas.
    选择一个边际项目相当于我的八个项目的启动 一年前处理飞球的策略。如果你做了什么 很好,你将会有竞争对手,所以你不妨面对 那。你只能通过避免好的想法来避免竞争。

    I think this shrinking from big problems is mostly unconscious. It’s not that people think of grand ideas but decide to pursue smaller ones because they seem safer. Your unconscious won’t even let you think of grand ideas. So the solution may be to think about ideas without involving yourself. What would be a great idea for someone else to do as a startup?
    我认为这种面对大问题的退缩大多是无意识的。 人们并不是想到了宏伟的想法,而是决定去追求 较小的,因为它们看起来更安全。你的无意识甚至不会 让你想到宏伟的想法。所以解决方案可能是考虑 不涉及自己的想法。什么是个好主意 别人来做初创公司吗?

    这点特意直接摘录原文。Paul Graham 这篇文章创作于2006年,所以我不确定在2024年,这些建议是否是 100% 正确的。因为上面几点都和 Pieter Levels 都很不同。Pieter Levels 建议首先独自创业,因此对创业的地点更没有要求,而且建议从微小的市场切入。

《How to Angel Invest, Part 1》

Few people can play at angel investing

Angel investing is odd in that very few people can play in it. Very few people have the know-how, geographic access, capital, risk horizon and patience. But at the same time, the underlying assets are changing the world.

I see a lot of people in Silicon Valley who could be good angel investors —they are in the tech industry and have access to dealflow—but instead spend their time on other things. They spend time thinking about macroeconomics: What if the Fed cuts interest rates? What’s happening in the trade war with China? Or they’re shorting stocks, investing in special economic zones or flipping real estate.



The real diversity that matters is the diversity of ideas .





