
我不认为自己有资格谈论这个大的话题。这篇文章的主要思想来自 Naval。Naval是著名的风险投资家,他写的《纳瓦尔宝典》也曾风靡于创投圈。




Naval 认为,需要5~15年才能知道自己有没有好的判断力,并且需要有一个计划,来长期校准并提高自己的判断力。







最好的投资者对 FOMO 免疫(FOMO指错失恐惧)。初创公司现在接受过培训,可以进行紧凑、快速的融资过程。对于从加速器中走出来的初创公司来说尤其如此。他们中的一些人向你施加压力,让你做出决定。最好的投资者对FOMO效应免疫。如果你催促他们在 48 小时内做出决定,他们会说,“好吧,我不会在 48 小时内做出决定,所以这不适合我。他们不会看它,即使这是一笔热门交易。FOMO在一定程度上对许多投资者都有效。我为我考虑的交易采用 24 小时冷静期。即使在我决定投资之后,我也会强迫自己等待 24 小时后再继续前进。(根据我在 Web3 的经验,也感觉 FOMO 是危险的。有时即使投到了,也需要承担较高的价格)


Naval 也认同这种流行的观点:投种子阶段初创公司就是投人。







群体思维导致判断力差。有良好判断力的人愿意不受欢迎。最清晰的思想家从头开始工作,并在他们的推理中使用第一原则。他们最终依靠自己的权威。还有其他导致判断力变差的事情是,判断力的过度社会化,以及选择社会或政治上受欢迎的事物。(Things that lead to poor judgment: groupthink, over-socialization of judgment and picking things because they are politically or socially popular. )(我其实不太清楚,判断力的过度社会化是什么意思。但感觉想要有判断力,就应该多独自思考。很多数学题的答案,也是靠独自思考来的。)

You have to be iconoclastic enough to recognize genius founders without being so low in judgment that you let in all the crazy ones too.

Patri Friedman is making weird investments
帕特里·弗里德曼(Patri Friedman)正在进行奇怪的投资

The way portfolios are constructed, you may be better off investing in a lot of crazy deals than a lot of decent looking deals.

To give a recent example: Patri Friedman started a fund called Promonos Capital. He’s investing in experiments in governance: new city states, towns and localities. These are places where people are taking local government into their own hands and doing experiments in governance.
举个最近的例子:帕特里·弗里德曼(Patri Friedman)创办了一家名为Promonos Capital的基金。他正在投资治理实验:新的城邦、城镇和地方。在这些地方,人们将地方政府掌握在自己手中,并进行治理实验。

This seems impossibly difficult to do. The history with seasteading in Honduras doesn’t look great. But all you have to do is stumble into the next Singapore or Hong Kong—whether it’s virtual or physical—and you have something that can create trillions of dollars in wealth and change the way people live.

Promons benefits from two things. First, they have a unique brand because nobody else is doing that. Everybody interested in this space knows to go to them. Second, the vast majority of their investments are going to look mad—but the few genius outliers should have huge returns because they’re non-consensus investments.

Similarly, Founders Fund, Steve Jurvetson and a variety of other people built their brands by being willing to fund weird deals long before anybody else.
同样,Founders Fund、Steve Jurvetson 和其他各种各样的人都愿意在其他人之前很久就为奇怪的交易提供资金,从而建立了自己的品牌。






你不会通过在 TechCrunch 或彭博新闻社上阅读有关技术的信息来成为一名出色的科技投资者。你必须找到源头。您应该毫不犹豫地阅读科学论文和期刊。你应该复习一下你的数学。你应该真正享受学习科学和技术的行为。毕竟,技术是应用科学。



Avoid Teams That Would Sell Early 避免那些会提前销售的团队

Venture capital is a grand slam business

Naval: Angel investing is a game of exceptional outcomes; it’s not a game of averages. You’re better off with a portfolio in which nine out of 10 investments go to zero and the 10th one goes 1,000x, than a portfolio where all of them are 2x or 3x.
Naval:天使投资是一场具有非凡结果的游戏;这不是一个平均数的游戏。如果投资组合中 10 项投资中有 9 项为零,第 10 项投资为 1,000 倍,则比所有投资均为 2 倍或 3 倍的投资组合要好。

If a founding team hints, signals or even just appears likely to sell the company early, it’s a strong negative indicator. Teams that are overly financially motivated often will sell a company for $100M or $200M. That’s a life-changing outcome for them; but it doesn’t matter much to you because you own so little. It’s not going to move the needle on your net worth.

As Bill Gurley famously said, “Venture capital is not even a home run business. It’s a grand slam business.” The smart VCs look for extreme outliers.
正如比尔·格利(Bill Gurley)的名言:“风险投资甚至不是一种全垒打的业务。这是一项大满贯赛事。聪明的风投会寻找极端的异常值。

This is why smart VCs let founders sell secondaries early on. They take some money off the table in exchange for going for the gold.

When you invest in a company that is going to sell early, you miss out on compounding interest. Also, VCs downstream will read that signal and pass on that deal, and the startup won’t be able to raise the cash they need to become a big company.

It’s difficult to pull this signal out of founders, although sometimes they offer it.

‘First-Time Founders’ Often Have Been Tinkering for Quite a While “首次创业者”通常已经修补了很长一段时间

Their ‘first’ startup isn’t always their first startup

Naval: There’s a running debate among investors about which is best: first-time founders or repeat founders. There’s no hard and fast answer.

I’d argue that most of the value in the industry is probably created by first-time founders. Think of Jeff Bezos, Bill Gates, Larry Page and Sergey Brin, and Mark Zuckerberg: Lightning strikes, things catch fire and the company takes off.
我认为,这个行业的大部分价值可能是由首次创业者创造的。想想杰夫·贝佐斯(Jeff Bezos)、比尔·盖茨(Bill Gates)、拉里·佩奇(Larry Page)、谢尔盖·布林(Sergey Brin)和马克·扎克伯格(Mark Zuckerberg):雷击,事情着火,公司起飞。

‘First-time founder’ can be misleading

Though, the label “first-time founder” doesn’t really apply to some of these. Zuckerberg had other projects before Facebook took off. Gates founded Traf-O-Data with Paul Allen long before they did Microsoft. They measured traffic and sold the data to cities.
不过,“首次创始人”这个标签并不适用于其中一些。在Facebook起飞之前,扎克伯格还有其他项目。盖茨与保罗·艾伦(Paul Allen)一起创立了Traf-O-Data,早在他们做Microsoft之前。他们测量了交通流量,并将数据出售给城市。

Often, a so-called “first-time founder” has been tinkering for quite a while.

Repeat founders tend to be better at execution

Repeat founders also can be extremely successful. Look at Uber, WhatsApp and Zoom.
重复的创始人也可以非常成功。看看 Uber、WhatsApp 和 Zoom。

Repeat founders tend to be much better at execution. They’re good at recruiting teams and generally more careful about what markets they enter. Repeat founders also have better connections, which makes fundraising easier.

Because repeat founders have been around, they’re more likely to have established long-term relationships with people you know, making it easier to check their reputation and whether they have integrity.

Repeat founders tend to be less passionate

On the other hand, repeat founders tend to be less passionate. They surveyed the market and picked what they think is going to work—not necessarily what they’re super excited about.

They tend to have less specific knowledge about the field because they haven’t been buried in it for the last 20 years; although you sometimes get that specific knowledge with founders coming from bigger companies who incubated a technology they really like.
他们往往对这个领域没有那么具体的了解,因为他们在过去的 20 年里还没有被埋没在这个领域;尽管您有时会从来自大公司的创始人那里获得这些特定知识,他们孵化了他们真正喜欢的技术。

Deals with repeat founders tend to be more expensive, so your returns are lower. There are tradeoffs. I don’t have a hard and fast rule like “don’t back repeat founders” or “don’t back first-time founders.” I find both can work, and both can not work.

Repeat Founders Don’t Really Want to Start Over From Scratch 重复创业者真的不想从头开始

Test repeat founders for passion

Naval: With first-time founders, you must test their ability to learn. Are they fast learners? Will they learn how to run a company? Will they adapt and grow?

This is different than asking: “Are they coachable?” I believe coachability is overrated.

Test repeat founders for passion

With repeat founders, you should test for passion. When the going gets tough, will they see the company all the way through—or will they go start the next thing? Do they have conviction? Do they have the humility to go through it again, starting from scratch?

Repeat founders often don’t want to start over with four or five people crammed into a tiny space behind wooden desks. They want to start with a lot of money, a big bang, a big office and a big team.

That can work when there’s mostly execution risk, which is often the case in enterprise sales and software. It doesn’t work as well when there’s invention risk, which is the case with consumer, social networks and deep technology development.

First-time founders take on market risk

Nivi: So, first-time founders take on market risk, which explains why they tend to have the biggest outcomes. It also explains why most of them fail. While repeat founders take on execution risk, which explains why they deliver more consistent results. It also explains why the returns aren’t huge: They’re not betting on a market insight.

Naval: That’s a deep way of summarizing it. First-time founders take on market risk and create new markets as a result—or own entire markets—and repeat founders take on execution risk.

There are also some blends. For example, when you’re developing a new technology, it can create a new market. That requires deep expertise, which favors a first-time founder. But it also requires raising lots of money and addressing things like manufacturability and distribution of something new, which might require a repeat founder’s resources.

Sometimes a sweet spot emerges: a repeat founder with previous success that wasn’t so big that they lost their first-time founder mentality.

Let’s say you have a team of people that builds robots. They failed because they were too early and the market wasn’t quite ready. But they made a good attempt, and they did it with little money.
假设你有一个制造机器人的团队。他们失败了,因为他们为时过早,市场还没有完全准备好。 但是他们做了一个很好的尝试,他们用很少的钱做到了。

The team comes back later and still wants to build robots. They tell you the timing is finally right and they’ve brought on a few younger people with access to new technology. Now they’re in a position to raise more money—and they’ve got a big chip on their shoulder, determined to prove this space can work. Those kinds of bets can be very interesting.


